Our footbridge design for ’’Linthsteg’’ is in structural sense an integral steel frame structure over two spans 62 m + 28 m = 90 m. Slender superstructure consists of one-sided main torsional steel box-shaped trapezoid girder supporting the Hi-bond bridge deck over steel side brackets. The heavy concrete bridge deck stabilizes the system in sense of vibration damping. The whole length of the bridge is 90 m, bright opening for traffic amounts 2.20 m, static height of the main girder varies from 1.00 m to 2.00 m.
The footbridge is deep founded on piles, 100 cm in diameter and 23 m in length, two piles per support. The main steel girder, pier and piles are rigidly connected (fixed) through massive pile caps, so together they form an integral frame structure.
The bridge elevation is chosen with max inclination of 6 %, approach paths included and assures unlimited and normal use for cyclists and handicapped to. In axis the bridge is in e low radius to avoid obstruction, protected bunker on the river bank.
Over the whole length of the bridge, on top of the steel girder there is a bench – offering resting place and ideal observations positions to admire the beautiful surrounding Nature. The bridge is discrete enlightened with a system of LED strips mounted in the railings handle and under the bench. Railings on one side, towards the lake are filled with stainless steel wire, on the other side the railings has also the function of a bench back and a wind shield.
Project type
Pedestrian bridge
Linthsteg, Switzerland
Competition design
Integral steel frame structure
Mounted prefabricated sections